106 Greene Drive | Yorktown, VA 23692 | 888-VA-EVAL-1 or 888.823.8251 | Fax: 757.224.6830 | Email: info@basesofva.com

Please contact Nancy Scott at info@basesofva.com or by calling 888.823.8251 for work sample prices.


VCWS 2 Size Discrimination

VCWS 2 Size Discrimination

Click here to shop for VCWS 2 Size Discrimination parts and supplies

Purpose: To assess the ability to perform work tasks involving size discrimination, manual dexterity, and finger dexterity. The work sample simulates light work and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, and accommodation. Significant motor coordination and manual dexterity are called for to perform the work sample at a competitive level.

The work sample elicits information on several secondary work-related characteristics, including concentration skills, ability to follow instructions, frustration tolerance, and self- confidence.

The work sample is well suited to work- hardening uses.

Design: Hands on work sample administered in two timed exercises.

Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. It is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#2 B-Kit — adaptations for visually impaired or blind persons — is available.

Information Collected: The work sample simulates job tasks related to occupations involving examining and measuring for purposes of grading and sorting. The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance requires a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors.

The evaluator uses accuracy standards and learning curve adjusted MTM standards to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work sample’s Worker Qualifications Profile. Adjusted MTM standards are provided for each exercise, and unadjusted MTM standards are given for single and multiple administrations of the work sample as well.

Procedures: Due to the short duration of the exercises, multiple administrations of both exercises are recommended (but not required). In their standard format, the work sample exercises take approximately 25 minutes to administer.

In the assembly exercise, the evaluee stands in front of the work sample and uses his or her dominant hand only to thread nuts onto 32 variously sized threaded posts positioned on the work sample surface. The evaluee chooses from among 49 hex nuts. In the disassembly exercise, the evaluee uses both hands to remove the threaded nuts from the posts and place them back into the storage area.

Components: The work sample is a 23 1/2 ” square box, composed of particle board and covered with blue plastic laminate. The flat inside surface of the box contains 32 randomly positioned, variously sized, threaded posts. In the front portion of the box is a nut tray which contains 49 hex nuts (17 more than are required to complete the exercises). At the top of the work surface is a half circle containing three threaded nuts and posts used for practice. The nuts and posts have been hardened and zinc coated for durability. A manual and a pad of 100 scoring sheets are included.

Shipping Size and Weight: 26″ x 26″ x 10″ – 49 lbs.