106 Greene Drive | Yorktown, VA 23692 | 888-VA-EVAL-1 or 888.823.8251 | Fax: 757.224.6830 | Email: info@basesofva.com

Please contact Nancy Scott at info@basesofva.com or by calling 888.823.8251 for work sample prices.


VCWS 1 Small Tools (Mechanical)

Valpar Component Work Samples

Click here to shop for  VCWS 1 Small Tools (Mechanical) parts and supplies

Purpose: VCWS 1 assesses the ability to make precise finger and hand movements and to work with small tools in tight or awkward spaces. The work simulates light work, and makes the following physical demands upon the evaluee: reaching, handling, fingering, feeling, near acuity, depth perception, and accommodation. Significant motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity are called for to perform the work sample satisfactorily.

The work sample elicits information on a number of secondary, work-related characteristics, including the ability to maintain physical stamina, concentration skills, frustration tolerance, and self-confidence.

The work sample is well suited to a variety of work hardening uses.

Design: Hands-on work sample hardware is manipulated by the evaluee in six separately timed exercises.

Special Features: Scores may be interpreted against criterion-referenced standards, supplied norms, or locally developed norms. The work sample is appropriate for use with disabled or nondisabled persons. A VCWS#1 B-Kit — adaptation for visually impaired or blind persons — is available.

Information Collected: The work sample has been analyzed according to U.S. Department of Labor job analysis techniques. The result of the analysis is a list of rated DOL work-related abilities and other factors that are required for successful work sample performance. Valpar uses Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) to establish industrial work rate standards for the work sample. Successful performance demonstrates a variety of DOL aptitudes, physical demands, and other factors.

The evaluator uses accuracy standards and learning curve adjusted MTM standards to determine whether the evaluee has demonstrated the work sample’s Worker Qualifications Profile. Adjusted MTM standards are provided for individual exercises as well as MTM standards unadjusted for learning.

Procedure: Working in whichever position is most comfortable, the evaluee must work through a hole in the front of the work sample box. This serves to block much of the work from the evaluee’s view, and simulates work done in tight, awkward places. The work sample takes approximately 90 minutes.

The evaluee works on five panels, installing various fasteners such as screws, nuts, bolts, and hitch pin clips, and using a different set of tools for each panel. In the sixth exercise, the box is opened out into a flat position, and the evaluee disassembles all of the installed fasteners.

Components: The main work sample unit is a 12″ hinged cube, composed of particle board and covered with blue plastic laminate. A separate tool box, 3 1/2″ x 10″ x 17″, made of durable blue plastic and with a diagram of the work areas on the inside lid, is included for the handtools and hardware.

There are three screwdrivers, eight wrenches, a nut driver, and a pair of pliers. The work sample comes with a manual and a pad of 100 scoring sheets.

Shipping Size and Weight: 24″ x 20″ x 18″ @ 34 lbs.